
Phoenix flights

Rylan Hill

Get the cheapest Phoenix flight offers from various airlines and online travel booking agencies

Discover unbeatable flight deals for flights to Phoenix, Arizona with We aggregate offers from major airlines and trusted travel agencies to bring you the most competitive fares for your trip. Our powerful search engine compares hundreds of options in real-time to ensure you get the best airfare value.

Best Offers for Flights to Phoenix

Los Angeles25 March 2025Tickets from 30
Dallas9 April 2025Tickets from 33
San Francisco1 April 2025Tickets from 41
Houston22 March 2025Tickets from 42
Chicago17 May 2025Tickets from 53
Ontario30 April 2025Tickets from 61
New York1 April 2025Tickets from 80
Oakland1 April 2025Tickets from 98
Miami3 April 2025Tickets from 104
San Jose13 March 2025Tickets from 105
Fort Lauderdale3 April 2025Tickets from 114
Seattle1 August 2025Tickets from 118
Boston20 April 2025Tickets from 123
San Diego13 March 2025Tickets from 149
Everett1 August 2025Tickets from 157
Montreal12 April 2025Tickets from 163
Mexico City17 March 2025Tickets from 183
Honolulu9 April 2025Tickets from 204
Massena12 April 2025Tickets from 214
Guatemala City25 March 2025Tickets from 240
Paris26 April 2025Tickets from 310
Sarasota7 September 2025Tickets from 311
Barcelona1 April 2025Tickets from 383
Madrid31 March 2025Tickets from 417
Istanbul22 May 2025Tickets from 419
Seoul28 March 2025Tickets from 443
Rome31 March 2025Tickets from 455
Amsterdam20 June 2025Tickets from 463
Lisbon20 June 2025Tickets from 473
Granada31 March 2025Tickets from 476
Kazan21 May 2025Tickets from 736
Moscow28 March 2025Tickets from 739
Saint Petersburg11 May 2025Tickets from 756
Ufa9 May 2025Tickets from 912
Minsk12 March 2025Tickets from 1 171

Using cheap flight calendar

Select your flight type (one-way or round-trip) and use the “Direct flights only” filter if needed. Browse our monthly calendar view to find the lowest fares, displaying daily price comparisons. When you select your preferred date, you’ll be directed to the airline’s booking page to complete your purchase.

Phoenix flights are available on flight booking systems and online travel agencies. We aggregate airfare prices and show the best offers on our search results page. For assistance with online booking, please visit our help center.